Inferno unitool loader
Inferno unitool loader

  • Inferno needs few resources, running on computers with little memory.
  • Inferno as an application is called "hosted Inferno". Inferno on bare hardware is called "native Inferno". But it can also run as a program on many existing operating systems: Linux, BSD's, MacOSX, Windows, Plan 9, and other unix variants.
  • It runs on bare hardware, like most other operation systems.
  • (others: wikipedia, cat-v) Here is a summary: Vita Nuova's page on Inferno describes it best. Many existing resources explain what sets Inferno apart from other operation systems. This is why the Plan 9 and Inferno communities overlap, and why documentation for Plan 9 is often useful to Inferno users as well. Some applications have been converted from Plan 9 to run on Inferno. Inferno shares many ideas (and code!) with Plan 9 from Bell Labs.

    #Inferno unitool loader code#

    The source code is available under a combination of liberal open source licenses. It was created at Bell Labs and Vita Nuova now owns the rights to it, and maintains the code. Inferno is an operating system for distributed systems. If something is not described clearly or just plain wrong (even the smallest typo), please let me know at Inferno Keep in mind this is only an introduction and thus limited in scope. Explanation of namespaces & styx servers.

    inferno unitool loader

    List of resources for reading & learning about Inferno, Styx and Limbo.

    inferno unitool loader

  • Installing Inferno, from latest sources.
  • The sections do not depend on each other, so can be read in a different order. This document intends to help getting started with Inferno.

    Inferno unitool loader